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Donald Morgan

Donald Morgan, DO

KRMC Family Medicine Residency Clinic


Dr. Morgan Graduated from the Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine (Kansas City University of Medical and Biomedical Sciences) in 1977 and completed rotating internship at the Osteopathic Hospital in Wichita Kansas in 1978.  Following that was a flight surgeon in the United States Air Force for about 6 years.  Then, for about 16 years in private practice in Junction City, Kansas.  Board-certified by the ABOFP in Family Medicine. He came to Kingman in 1999 to work for Kingman Regional Medical Center in their primary care clinic and have worked there on and off since.  In 2002 as the DME, he worked to establish the residency training programs in association with Midwestern University in Glendale, Arizona that morphed into the Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine. At the present time he is the Program Director for the Family Medicine Residency at Kingman Regional Medical Center Kingman, AZ and continue to be active in-patient care. Dr. Morgan is also a member of the Mohave Substance-Abuse Treatment, Education, and Prevention Partnership Drug-Free Community Program Grant Medical Director.

Dr. Morgan has no disclosures.

Specialty/Areas of Interest

  • Family Medicine

Practices OMM

  • Yes


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