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Andrea Ferenczi, MD

Endocronology Associates PA

Dr. Ferenczi is a clinical endocrinologist practicing in a large single specialty group in Scottsdale, Arizona. After graduation from medical school, she completed her residency program at The New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens, NY and my fellowship in endocrinology, Metabolism and Diabetes at Beth Israel Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine New York, NY. She has been involved in all aspects of endocrine disease states, diabetes, thyroid, parathyroid, bone diseases. She is also one of the few endocrinologists that performs thyroid nodule radiofrequency ablation therapy. During her career, she has implemented standards of care for diabetes management in hospitalized patients, helped implement an ADA certified diabetes educational center, started a thyroid clinic and, most recently, RFA of thyroid nodules.

She is also involved in teaching residents, medical students, PAs and nursing students about endocrinology and was involved with thyroid ultrasound/biopsy national committees.