Joel P. Mascaro, DO
Dr. Mascaro has been practicing medicine for almost 55 years. Recently he has noticed how much Americans spend on medical care {about $3.3 trillion yearly}. We are way ahead of civilized nations in technology, but 46th ranked in patient outcomes. Instead of getting better we are on a course to inflate those numbers and perhaps take away from our patients any chance to age successfully.
It becomes clear to Dr. Mascaro that after all these years of gaining wisdom and understanding, that the only way to achieve change is to.... make America healthier. The current system of managing disease, which we shall call, the mainstream misconception, is making people more chronically ill, disabled, thereby decreasing their quality of life. People, please listen......... it just doesn't work.
It would make sense to seek a discipline that would offer to increase vitality, give hope, while not managing symptoms. We all would be much better off. The answer my friends, is right in front of us and it’s been here for one hundred sixty-nine years. Its name you ask......Osteopathic medicine -and it's America's only answer. The challenge though is finding the right D.O., one who understands and practices the concept of optimum wellness.