Shelly Mowrey
Demand Reduction Coordinator
Arizona High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
Shelly Mowrey is the Demand Reduction Coordinator for Arizona HIDTA and is a leader in substance use prevention and education. Over the last 20 years, Shelly has developed substance use prevention programs, media campaigns and professional development trainings for a variety of audiences that are instrumental in reducing youth drug use in the state of Arizona.
Her passion is assisting communities and substance use prevention coalitions in delivering quality programs with successful outcomes. Shelly has received extensive training provided by the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America, the Partnership to End Addiction and the Arizona Narcotics Officers Association.
In 2018 and 2015, Arizona HIDTA was awarded the national Outstanding Prevention Program award by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy for its work on prescription drug abuse prevention and public health, public safety partnerships.
Ms. Mowrey has no disclosures.